7Purpose. It is the study of the influence of disk polymer-abrasive brush parameters processing modes and the physic-mechanical properties of the material being processed on the dimensional wear during polishing difficult materials.Methodology. For research, the author method of calculating the coefficient which characterizes the ability of the processed materials to wear out polymer-abrasive fibers, was used. It formed the basis for development model of calculating the dimensional wear of the disk brushes. Correlation and regression analyses were used to build a model for the dependence of the wear on the processing parameters. The experimental method was applied to test the proposed model – the test was carried out on an original stand, which allowed varying the initial factors and periodically measuring the mass wear of brushes in the polishing process.Findings. The problem of predicting the degree of wear of a disk brushes during polishing various materials, including hard-to-work materials was solved. The authors proposed a method for determining the ability of the processed material to wear out the polymer-abrasive fibers of the brush, based on its physical and mechanical properties. Full-scale studies of wear of the disk brushes in the processing of samples from various materials were carried out. As a result of the experiments performed, the dependences of wear on the size of the brush, processing parameters, and the material being processed were revealed and a mathematical model was proposed. It was experimentally shown that, in the researched range of factors the main influence on the wear of fibers is exerted by the material of the part, the processing speed and tension, the grain size and fiber length influence a little. Based on the obtained results, it can be argued that the processing speed without a coolant-cutting fluid should not be prescribed above 15–17 m/s, and the tension should be higher than 1–2 mm, since otherwise the degree of wear increases rapidly.Scientific novelty. The analytical dependence of the physic-mechanical properties of the material being processed and the wear of polymer-abrasive fibers is obtained for the first time. As a result of the work carried out, a model of the intensity of wear of the disk brushes from complex of parameters was obtained.
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