Urinary C-peptide (UCP) is a biomarker for insulin that can be used as a non-invasive physiological measure of energy balance. Previous research has validated the use of UCP to quantify energy balance in catarrhines; however, there have been no such studies in platyrrhines. Validation is necessary in this lineage of primates as divergent evolution has resulted in varied organization of insulin genes. Here, we evaluate a method for quantifying UCP in platyrrhines to measure energetic expenditure, a key component of calculating energy balance. Urine samples were opportunistically collected from laboratory-housed tufted capuchins (Sapajus apella) during exercise activities. To examine the efficacy of using UCP as a means for assessing energetic condition, we analyzed urine samples collected before and after exercise. Urinary C-peptide concentrations were measured using a commercial C-peptide radioimmunoassay. We found that on average, UCP concentrations were 0.34 ng/mL lower after exercise than they were prior to exercise (range =0.04 to 0.71 ng/mL). The rateofenergy expenditureper unit time was greater when capuchins were exercising at faster speeds. Concordantly, UCP concentrations decreased more following exercise at those faster speeds. Parallelism of serial dilutions of samples was calculated to assess the precision of UCP concentrations produced using these methods. Measured UCP concentrations decreased at expected intervals in accordance with each dilution factor. Our results provide biological validation of the use of a commercial assay for quantifying UCP as a measure of energy expenditure in this platyrrhine species.
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