The concern for a sustainable environment informed the construction of a waste stabilization pond (biologically based wastewater treatment facility) by Ama Brewery, Nigeria, for the brewery effluent treatment and fish pond for the natives. The water quality and the efficiency of the pond in terms of pollutant and microbial removal were assessed and the treated effluent compared with environmental standards for discharge into receiving surface water and fisheries. Physico-chemical parameters, coliform and Escherichia coli at the WSP inlet and outflow were assessed monthly for twelve months, using standard methods. Suspended solids, total dissolved solids and phyto-nutrients (ammonia and phosphate) increased at the outlet (5.9%, 17.4%, 60% and 24.14% respectively). Decrease in biochemical oxygen demand and increase in chemical oxygen demand were 8.11% and 25.17% respectively. Despite the prevailing favourable environmental conditions for optimal performance, the pond was inefficient due to poor maintenance.