Abstract Using the fully relativistic GEANT4 simulation toolkit, Monte Carlo simulation was applied to the transport of energetic electrons generated in solar flares, and resultant bremsstrahlung gamma-ray spectra were calculated. The solar atmosphere was approximated by 10 vertically stacked zones. The simulation took into account two important physical processes: that the bremsstrahlung photons emitted by precipitating relativistic electrons are strongly forward beamed toward the photosphere, and that the majority of these gamma-rays must be Compton backscattered by the solar atmosphere in order to reach the observer. Then, the Compton degradation was found to make the observable gamma-ray spectra much softer than predicted by simple analytic calculations. The gamma-ray signals were found to be enhanced by several conditions, including a broad pitch-angle distribution of the electrons, a near-limb flare longitude, and a significant tilt in the magnetic field lines if the flare longitude is rather small. These results successfully explain several important flare properties observed in the range of hard X-ray to gamma-ray, in particular including those obtained with Yohkoh. A comparison of the Yohkoh spectrum, from a GOES X3.7 class limb flare on 1998 November 22, with a simulation assuming a broad electron pitch-angle distribution suggests that gamma-rays from this particular solar flare were a mixture of direct bremsstrahlung photons and their Comptonization.
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