Goal. The comparative analysis of productive traits of different breeds of breeding pigs of Ukraine. The research method is the analysis and comparison of indexes of the development and productivity of pigs of different breeds, changes in the number of animals and subjects of the breeding business in pig breeding during 2017– 2021. The results. The analysis of the state of the breeding base of pig breeding in Ukraine over the course of five years shows the reduction of 31 subjects of the breeding business with a herd of about 7,000 heads of the main sows. As of January 1, 2022, there are 67 breeding enterprises, including 27 breeding factories and 40 breeding farms. To date, pig breeding is represented by 10 breeds of pigs, the most numerous of which are two breeds – the Large White - 60% and Landrace 31.3%, which are bred in 18 and 13 regions of Ukraine, respectively. The largest number of pigs are bred in Kyiv (624,800 heads), Lviv (430,000 heads), Donetsk (405,400 heads) and Ternopil (377,000 heads) regions. And the smallest population is concentrated in Luhansk (40.9 thousand heads) and Kherson (49.5 thousand heads) regions. It was determined that the tendency to increase the stock at the beginning of 2022 was observed in Durok breeds (from 1.98 to 2.47%), Pietren (from 1.58 to 2.08 %), the Red White-belted breeds (0, 23 to 0.33), Wales (from 0.47 to 0.58%) and Ukrainian Steppe White breed (0.96 to 1.26 %). For the rest of the domestic breeds, such as Poltava Meat, Ukrainian Meat and Ukrainian Steppe piked, a clear tendency to decrease was observed, respectively, by 0.13; 0.02 and 0.04%. The analysis of productive traits shows that the reproductive qualities of sows bred in breeding factories are higher than those of breeding farms, this applies to such breeds as Landras, Durok, Poltava Meat. The advantage according to the multifertility index was 1.4 heads, 1.5 heads, 1.0 heads, respectively. As for Welsh and Durok breeds, which are considered meat breeds, but are distinguished by high reproductive qualities (multifertility of the Welsh breed – 13 heads, Durok – 11.6 heads). It is explained, in our opinion, by purposeful selection work aimed at increasing the fertility rate. The reproductive traits of other meat genotypes remain as they meet the requirements for meat genotypes. Conclusions. It is necessary to increase the breed gene fund of Ukraine in order to fully implement selection and genetic programs for the improvement of breeds, as well as interbreed crossing and hybridization. Key words: pedigree pig breeding, breeds, breeding factories, breeding farms, reproductive traits, lard thickness, hybridization.