Generalized and improved criteria for gas–liquid reactions operating in the instantaneous regime were recently reported, correcting the shortcomings of the classic criteria, especially for low values of the infinite enhancement factor EA,∞. These criteria were derived based on the film model for mass transfer and fully exploit the geometrical symmetry of the liquid film, yielding two complementary sets of two equations each, involving a new dimensionless number: φ∞=HaE∞-1-E∞.Depending on the hydrodynamics of the system, however, the penetration model can be physically more expedient and, in this follow-up paper, a corresponding and more concise set of three criteria for the instantaneous regime was developed. Whereas the first and second criterion are identical to the classic film-model criteria, a completely different third criterion emerged due to the semi-infinite nature of the liquid elements in penetration theories. The accumulated amount of gas-phase reactant A in such an element was shown inversely proportional to the distance of the reaction plane from the gas–liquid interface, yielding a new criterion with a clear relation between the breakthrough of A and EA,∞. The criteria for operating in the instantaneous regime according to the penetration model, hence, become: HaA>2, φA,∞+EA,∞>10 and EA,∞≥10.It is generally accepted that the various mass-transfer models only quantitatively differ in the intermediate regime 0.3<Ha<2. This work demonstrates, however, that in the asymptotic instantaneous regime relative differences up to 85 % may occur with respect to breakthrough to the bulk. Both mass-transfer models result in virtually identical breakthrough predictions for EA,∞≅1 or EA,∞≥10.
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