Portuguese Abstract: O presente artigo trata da analise do caso Uber no Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Economica, que teve como resultado o arquivamento pela autoridade antitruste brasileira, em virtude da inexistencia de indicios suficientes para a configuracao de infracoes a ordem economica. O estudo perpassa pelas possiveis condutas restritivas a concorrencia nas quais a empresa Uber, derivada do modelo de negocio desenvolvido por uma empresa de rede de transporte (ERT) e inserida em um mercado inovador de servicos de transporte remunerado privado individual de passageiros e de plataforma de varios lados, poderia ter praticado, quais sejam: cartel hub and spoke, influencia a adocao de conduta comercial uniforme, ou fixacao de preco de revenda. A analise de tais praticas anticoncorrenciais pela Uber, atraves das metodologias de analise concorrenciais, regras per se e regra da razao, levou em consideracao, principalmente, as eficiencias e beneficios que a ERT Uber trouxe para o mercado e para o consumidor, atraves da profunda reestruturacao dos servicos de transporte de passageiros do pais. English Abstract: Uber’s platform, as is the case of any transportation network company (TNC), is a multi-sided platform that promotes interaction between passengers and drivers. It is therefore relevant to analyze, based on the proceeding filed and later dismissed, by the Cade General Superintendence, the practice of possible anticompetitive conduct by Uber derived from a business model that didn’t even exist a few years ago. The case was based on the analysis of anticompetitive practices, especially hub and spoke cartel, the influence to the adoption of uniform business conduct and resale price fixing, taking into account the traditional analysis methodologies of competition crimes, per se rules and rule of reason. It was necessary to verify, from the definition of the query and the rule to be used, the net result that Uber TNC brought to the market and to consumers, through the deep restructuring of Brazil’s passenger transport services. In view of the high control exercised by the Uber platform with its suppliers, since its business model has its own characteristics that tend to coordinate their partner drivers’ performance, questioning the possible practice that restrict competition is pertinent. Such inquiries are basically related to how the Uber platform coordinates this operation. Actually, the approach of this article will occur in two phases: definition of conduct, in other words, categorize Uber’s business model in a few competition violations described in article 36 of the Brazilian Competition Defense Law (hub and spoke cartel, influence on the adoption of uniform business conduct, or resale price fixing); and then, define which analysis rule is used, whether rule of reason or unlawful per se.
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