Previously we have shown that nM ouabain-induced activation of cAMP-dependent Na/Ca exchange in reverse (R) mode in cell membrane has age-dependent weakening hydration effect on heart muscle and brain tissues and such Na/Ca exchange is characterized by quantum mechanical sensitivity. As in biological experiments radioactive 45Ca is used for the study of cold 40Ca exchange in cells and organisms, in the present work, the age-dependent effect of physiological solution (PS) containing either 40Ca or 45Ca on tissue hydration in different experimental conditions was studied in order to evaluate the bioequivalence of these two forms of Ca. The obtained data indicate that the intraperitoneal injections of 40Ca PS and 45Ca PS leading to activation of RNa/40Ca and RNa/45Ca exchanges, respectively, have different age-dependent effects on heart muscle and brain tissue hydration. As in myocyte membrane, the Na/Ca exchange is more expressed than in neuronal membrane, the age-dependent heart muscle hydration is more sensitive to quantum properties of Ca than brain tissue hydration. The [45Ca]i, in contrary to [40Ca]i, has age-dependent weakening and stabilizing effect on tissue hydration and makes the latter insensitive to ouabain. The obtained data bring us to a strong conclusion that RNa/Ca exchange has quantum mechanical properties and in biological experiments radioactive 45Ca cannot be used for adequate estimation of the functional activity of 40Ca ions in cells and organisms.
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