The objective of this study was to correlate the presence of arsenic in roots and stems of Brachiaria humidicola cv. humidicola (Rendle) Schweick grown in cattle areas of the San Jorge subregion and the population density of endophytic bacteria in roots and foliage with the presence of this metal. Samples of soil, roots and stems of B. humicola grass were collected and characterized for arsenic concentration in roots and foliage and the presence of endophytic bacteria (CFU/g tissue). The results show the presence of arsenic concentrations in roots and stems above the values established at national and international level. Likewise, the presence of endophytic bacteria was found in the roots and foliage of B. humidicola, which may be contributing to the remediation and reduction of arsenic concentration from the roots to the foliage. This is the first study correlating the presence of arsenic and endophytic bacteria on cattle farms with B. humicola and the possible role of these bacteria in contributing to bioremediation of this metal in the soil and within the tissues of the pasture species.