We describe various equivalent ways of associating to an orbifold, or more generally a higher étale differentiable stack, a weak homotopy type. Some of these ways extend to arbitrary higher stacks on the site of smooth manifolds, and we show that for a differentiable stack X arising from a Lie groupoid G , the weak homotopy type of X agrees with that of B G . Using this machinery, we are able to find new presentations for the weak homotopy type of certain classifying spaces. In particular, we give a new presentation for the Borel construction M × G E G of an almost free action of a Lie group G on a smooth manifold M as the classifying space of a category whose objects consist of smooth maps R n → M which are transverse to all the G -orbits, where n = dim M − dim G . We also prove a generalization of Segal's theorem, which presents the weak homotopy type of Haefliger's groupoid Γ q as the classifying space of the monoid of self-embeddings of R q , B ( Emb ( R q ) ) , and our generalization gives analogous presentations for the weak homotopy type of the Lie groupoids Γ 2 q S p and R Γ q which are related to the classification of foliations with transverse symplectic forms and transverse metrics respectively. We also give a short and simple proof of Segal's original theorem using our machinery.
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