The present article discusses the results of the study of subjective perception of psychological violence by different characterological types. The application of the results of this study allows to increase the level of safety of the educational environment, to build psychological and peda-gogical work in the field of psychological education of parents, as well as to teach teachers con-structive forms of interaction with children, taking into account their subjective perception of psychological violence depending on the characterological type. In modern psychological sci-ence, the study of psychological violence and personal traumatization is a cutting-edge direction in the field of providing a safe environment for both students and educators. Psychological vio-lence represents various forms of behavior, consciously or unconsciously aimed at causing psy-chological pain using verbal or nonverbal communication. Under the forms of psychological vio-lence we understand threats, insults, manipulation, ignoring and so on. Such forms of psycholog-ical violence have an extremely destructive effect on a person, contributing to the development of borderline conditions and such mental disorders as depression, complex post-traumatic disor-der, etc. Understanding the peculiarities of perception of psychological violence will allow educational psychologist to significantly improve the quality of counseling work with both parents and teachers, which increases the chances of building the safest educational environment. Further research in the direction of studying the peculiarities of subjective perception of psychological violence will allow scientists to study in more detail the issues of traumatization and correction in connection with the peculiarities of characterological types.
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