Symposium1 December 1980Calcium-Regulating HormonesBOY FRAME, M.D., SUDHAKER D. RAO, M.B.B.S.BOY FRAME, M.D.Search for more papers by this author, SUDHAKER D. RAO, M.B.B.S.Search for more papers by this authorAuthor, Article, and Disclosure Information SectionsAboutPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail ExcerptDespite a life span of several decades, the field of bone and mineral metabolism is still in its embryonic stage. Although understanding of diseases affecting parathyroid glands and the skeleton has greatly improved, many questions are still unanswered. This was the overall impression at the VII International Conference on Calcium-Regulating Hormones, recently held in Estes Park, Colorado.Recent advances in molecular biology and genetic bioengineering have paved the way for better understanding of intracellular events in hormone secretion. Until recently it has been difficult to obtain intact human parathyroid hormones (PTH) either for laboratory use or for clinical trials. Synthetic...Symposim Papers1. KRONENBERGRICHPOTTS HAJ. The structure and function of parathyroid hormone genes. Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Boston, Massachusetts. Google Scholar2. ARNAUDNISSENSONTEITELBAUM CRA. Parathyroid hormone receptors. University of California at San Francisco and Veterans Administration Medical Center; San Francisco, California. Google Scholar3. NISSENSONABBOTTTEITELBAUMARNAUD RSAC. Relationship between biologically active and immunoreactive PTH levels in hyperparathyroid man. Department of Medicine, University of California, and Veterans Administration Medical Center; San Francisco, California. Google Scholar4. MARTINHRUSKASLATOPOLSKY KKE. Peripheral metabolism of parathyroid hormone: activation or inactivation. 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University of California Riverside and National Animal Disease Center; Los Angeles, California. Google Scholar21. HODSMANWONGSHERRARD AED. Use of 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in dialysis osteomalacia: preliminary results. Veterans Administration Wadsworth Hospital; Los Angeles, California. Google Scholar22. SCHOLZPURNELL DD. Prospective study: asymptomatic and uncomplicated primary hyperparathyroidism. Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation; Rochester, Minnesota. Google Scholar This content is PDF only. To continue reading please click on the PDF icon. Author, Article, and Disclosure InformationAffiliations: Division of Bone and Mineral Metabolism Henry Ford Hospital Detroit, Michigan PreviousarticleNextarticle Advertisement FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Metrics Cited ByRenale Osteopathie: Pathogenese und Möglichkeiten der TherapieCorrection: "Symposium" Article on Calcium-Regulating HormonesGORDON L. KLEIN, M.D., RONALD L. HORST, PH.D., ANTHONY W. NORMAN, PH.D., MARVIN E. AMENT, M.D., JACK W. COBURN, M.D.The influence of infusion rate on the acute intravenous toxicity of phytic acid, a calcium-binding agent 1 December 1980Volume 93, Issue 6Page: 928-930KeywordsBioengineeringBone and mineral metabolismClinical trialsHormonesMolecular biologyParathyroidParathyroid hormoneResearch laboratoriesSkeleton Issue Published: 1 December 1980 PDF DownloadLoading ...
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