The thick section of the Bird Spring Group near Lee Canyon, Clark County, Nevada, consists of more than 7,000 feet of predominantly carbonate strata which are subdivided as follows: Chesterian (125±feet), Morrowan (775±feet), Atokan (510±feet), Desmoinesian (520±feet), Missourian (145±feet), Virgilian (525±feet), Wolfcampian (3,075±feet), and Leonardian (1,525±feet). The upper limits of the group could not be determined because of truncation by faulting. A petrographic study was made on the Bird Spring Group near Lee Canyon, and, for descriptive purposes, a classification of carbonate rocks was modified from several existing classifications. That classification is used in this paper. Quartzose sandstone and siltstone, biocalcarenite, biocalcirudite, and biocalcarenitic limestone, with minor fine-grained limestone and calcareous shale constitute the Chesterian rocks and represent reworking in an advancing sea. The body of information now available on Great Basin late Paleozoic stratigraphy indicates major source areas on the northwest, northeast, and east. The relative contribution of each of those regions to the lower several scores of feet in the Bird Spring is not known. Morrowan beds indicate a gradual change to unstable shelf conditions which later altered to stable shelf conditions. Biocalcarenite grades upward through biocalcarenitic and skeletal calcarenitic limestone into silty fine-grained limestone and calcareous shale. Gradation is then back to skeletal calcarenitic and biocalcarenitic limestone and calcarenite. Fish remains are common in these and in the overlying Atokan and Desmoinesian strata. Open shelf conditions prevailed in Atokan and Desmoinesian time when coral and algal biolithites formed. Komia contributed abundantly to this interval and Chaetetes is present in the Atokan portion. Associated with these bioconstructed limestones in a cyclical fashion are biocalcarenite, biocalcarenitic, and skeletal calcarenitic limestone, pelletal limestone, and siltstone. Missourian, Virgilian, and lower Wolfcampian rocks record a change, inaugurated in late Desmoinesian, to unstable shelf conditions and greater influx of terrigenous matter. Impure skeletal-bearing, fine-grained, and skeletal calcarenitic limestone are most abundant in the l wer part of the interval; fossil content increases upward and the uppermost beds are crinoidal biocalcirudites. In late Wolfcampian time, rather abrupt change was to mostly deeper quieter waters. Anaerobic conditions prevailed in the early late Wolfcampian, but restriction later diminished. Convolute laminae and slump structures in mudstone and fine-grained limestone attest to periods of contemporaneous deformation. Intermittently, the waters shallowed and the sea bottom was heavily populated with gastropod-hydrozoan-crinoid-foraminifer-bryozoan-algal communities. Gradually the sedimentary framework reverted to that of an open shelf dominated by biostromal and coral development. At the time the uppermost Bird Spring was deposited, physico-chemical and biochemical precipitation were impor ant, and so oolite calcarenite and algal-pelletal limestone were deposited. The Permian climate in the region was probably arid to semi-arid. It is suggested that the Bird Spring section near Lee Canyon be elevated to group status and appropriate subdivision be made. Indian Springs Formation qualifies for the Chester-lower Morrow portion. The End_Page 1657------------------------------ remainder of the Pennsylvanian and lower Wolfcamp beds constitute another logical subdivision. The upper Wolfcamp sequence may deserve formational rank as well as the uppermost Wolfcamp-Leonard interval. Great thickness of the Bird Spring near Lee Canyon is due primarily to the Wolfcamp sequence, a situation which merits attention when distinguishing between platform and miogeosyncline.
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