Background Lyantor city (the city status was obtained in 1992) is located on the territory of one of the largest fields in Russia - the Lyantor oil and gas condensate field. Sewage treatment plants (STP) were built and put into operation in the period 1987-1989, the project provides for 2 stages of construction with a total capacity of 14,000 m3/day. STP includes mechanical, biological treatment, disinfection of treated wastewater at an ultraviolet installation and treatment of precipitation at filter presses. The volume of wastewater received for treatment is 35 % of the design capacity of STP -14000, which is due to the general trend of reducing wastewater costs in recent years (the use of water-saving technologies, the use of water metering devices, production reduction, etc.). Municipal Unitary Enterprise «Management of Heat Supply and Sanitation», Lyantor, in order to optimize costs and comply with the technology of biological wastewater treatment in 2012 brought one of the queues (7000 m3/day) to conservation. To date, the degree of purification of wastewater discharged into the Pim River does not meet modern regulatory requirements. In order to improve the reliability, quality and environmental safety of the city's wastewater treatment, a technological audit was conducted in December 2019. During the audit, a survey of working sewage treatment plants was conducted, taking into account the information obtained in the operating laboratory on the territory of the STP. Aims and Objectives The aim of the work is to analyze the work of sewage treatment plants of the city on the basis of data obtained during a technological audit, to identify the causes of violations of wastewater treatment technology, to develop recommendations for improving the operation of the water treatment plant and bringing the degree of wastewater treatment to the regulatory requirements for discharge into the reservoir. Results The main factors affecting the wastewater treatment process are identified, the reasons for the violation of the technological treatment regime are identified, and recommendations are developed for intensifying the operating mode and taking measures to bring the STP to the normative characteristics of wastewater treatment. According to the results of the survey of the technological wastewater treatment system, it was concluded that the existing scheme is not able to provide wastewater treatment to the required standards and there is no technical possibility to bring the quality of treatment on the existing equipment to the standard values. It is shown that for high-quality treatment of domestic wastewater, it is necessary to perform reconstruction with a change in the technological scheme of treatment or the construction of new sewage treatment facilities based on modern technologies for biological nitrogen removal, biological and chemical phosphate removal and precipitation treatment. The recommended measures can serve as a material for promising solutions to improve the operation of treatment facilities in the process of developing an investment program for the development of the city's wastewater disposal system, as well as be the basis for developing a project for the reconstruction (construction) of existing STP.
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