One of the performance indices for either a biological or a biomimetic locomotion system is the degree of its maneuverability i.e. the most rigid body velocity changing due to finite shape variable rates. The main subject of this article is to compute general rules for this index using geometric tools. Specifically, the fiber bundle structure is employed to extract the shape dynamics from the whole system and investigate the effects of them over the rigid body motion. First, an analogy between the manipulability Jacobian for robotic arms and geometric connection of kinematically reducible robotic locomotion system is made. The analogy leads one to obtain and compute the local maneuverability ellipses for such robots. The ellipses give some general but quantitative measures of maneuverability that can be used in the design of such systems. A three links fish-like robot as a candidate of a locomotion system with symmetry and a three links kinematic snake robot as a candidate of principally kinematic locomotion are selected and their maneuvering responses are investigated. The best body configuration for the most and least translational, arched and rotation maneuvers are obtained for prescribedrobots. Some other valuable information such as bifurcation occurrence in response is accomplished using maneuverability ellipses. Finally, the results are validated by two methods; first by direct numerical solving of governing equation and second by comparing to other works in literature.
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