This article aims to describe the design for developing and evaluating the media for learning with a collaborative-contextual model in improving the reading skills and bilingual abilities of early childhood in the Sukorambi Islamic Kindergarten (TK), Jember Regency. This research uses a qualitative type with a descriptive exploratory approach—data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and documentation studies. The data were then analyzed using the stages of domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, componential analysis, and cultural theme analysis with the validity of the data, the credibility of the triangulation method and sources, and confirmability. Based on the research findings, it was concluded that the six stages in the design of contextual-collaborative assured-based learning program development in improving reading skills and bilingual communication skills are as follows: Analysis of early-age learners and as digital natives; determining learning objectives; choosing methods, media, and materials (including the use of the student center method, compiling the Outline of the Contents of the Podcast Media, Podcast Media Scripts, and Bilingual Learning Implementation Plans), Utilization of media, and teaching materials (including reviewing materials, preparing materials, learning environments, and learners and ensuring learner learning experiences), Learner involvement, and Evaluatievaluationision.