Beta dose rate heterogeneity is a known source of scatter in OSL measurement and equivalent dose distributions. Without proper methods to describe and account for it, it can contribute significantly to the uncertainties in OSL ages. For this reason, investigating the beta dose rate (β Dr) distribution is necessary to improve the dating of heterogeneous samples. Here we present a method for quantitative and high sensitivity autoradiographic imaging of beta dose rates. It is demonstrated using highly heterogeneous granulite rock samples. The accuracy and sensitivity of this method is improved using pulsed laser stimulation, and by underground exposure of samples in an ultra-low background environment. Results are calibrated using gamma (γ)irradiation and Monte Carlo simulation and have been validated using homogeneous dose rate standards. Combining analysis of autoradiography results and SEM backscattered images of the same samples allows determination of the dose rate distributions in the different mineral phases. A significant difference between the dose rate of K-feldspar grains obtained from the imaging and the dose rates calculated using methods commonly used in OSL dating is noted because of the clustering of grains in the sample. This represents a risk of bias in age determination in coarse grained rock samples which can be analysed using dose rate imaging methods. The beta Dr spatial distributions result in a significant dose scattering received by single grains, even compared to the total dose rate. The effect of such beta dose rate distributions on OSL dating of coarse-grained crystalline materials is discussed.
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