The results of calculations of emergency situations for the IRT MIFI [Moscow Engineering Physics Institute] reactor with high-enrichment uranium fuel and with conversion to IRT-3M fuel assemblies with fuel cores based on the alloy U–9%Mo in an aluminum matrix with 19.7% enrichment are presented. The transient processes due to disruption of coolant circulation during the execution of safety functions are examined. The PARET 7.5 software is used to calculate the transient processes. Special attention is focused on taking account of emergency protection engagement algorithms and the characteristic features of the devices monitoring the thermohydraulic parameters of the reactor in setting the initial data for the calculation of transient processes. This article presents a safety analysis of the IRT MIFI reactor with high-enrichment uranium fuel and with conversion to IRT-3M fuel assemblies with fuel kernels based on the alloy U–9%Mo in an aluminum matrix with 19.7% enrichment [1]. Emergency situations, caused by a disruption of coolant circulation, with the safety functions fulfi lled are examined. Accidents caused by unauthorized insertion of positive reactivity were analyzed at the preceding stage of this work. The PARET 7.5 software was used to calculate transient processes occurring during an accident. PARET consists of computer programs for performing combined neutron-physical and thermohydraulic calculations based on point neutron kinetics with feedbacks and one-dimensional hydrodynamics and heat transfer [3]. The program includes a library of thermophysical properties of the coolant (water or heavy water) and relations for the coeffi cient of heat emission in different regimes at low pressure, temperature, and coolant velocity which are characteristic for research reactors. Regimes with forced and natural circulation of the coolant are modeled. In the computational model the core can be represented in the form of several regions (channels) with prescribed power density, mass velocity of the coolant, and thermohydraulic parameters. A channel comprises one fuel element (one-dimensional plate or cylinder) with the surrounding coolant. A transient process is modeled by setting the time-varying, externally introduced, reactivity or the mass velocity of the coolant. A fresh load (10 six- and two eight-tube fuel assemblies) and a working load (10 six- and six eight-tube fuel assemblies) with 235 U burnup averaged over the core 24 and 27% for low- and high-enrichment fuel, respectively, are examined. Initial Data. The IRT MIFI reactor is a swimming-pool, water cooled and moderated thermal reactor with a stationary neutron fl ux. The core consists of 16 IRT-3M fuel assemblies with 90% enrichment in the refl ector, comprised of beryllium and aluminum blocks, and is arranged in a 7.8 m deep pool fi lled with chemically purifi ed water (Fig. 1). The fuel assemblies and blocks of the refl ector are arranged in the top containment of the core. The core support lattice is placed in the bottom containment, which is also used for forming the coolant fl ow through the core. In the plan, the containment at the bottom, just as at the top, comprises a rectangular shell. A cylindrical connecting side piece with a fl ange connects the bottom containment with an ejector. The fi rst-loop pressure and intake pipelines enter the containment at the top of the pool. Inside the pool the pressure pipeline is brought into the ejector. The intake pipeline terminates 4 m above the bottom of the pool.
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