I. INTRODUCTIONThe Australian Synchrotron is a newly operating 3rdgeneration light source facility located in Melbourne,Australia. The 3 GeV storage ring is 216 meters in circum-ference and can store a beam of up to 200 mA current. Astorage ring design overview can be found in [1].The storage ring is a modified Chasman-Green–typelattice, designed for a horizontal emittance of 14 nmradwith dispersion free straights. For user operations a hori-zontal emittance of 10.4 nmrad is achieved by allowing a0.1 m dispersion in the straights. The 0.1 m dispersionsetting, while not the minimal horizontal emittance,achieves the minimal horizontal beam size when takinginto account both emittance and dispersion contributions.The storage ring is divided into 14 identical sectors, eachcontaining a 10.9 m arc and 4.5 m straight section. Of the14straights,twoareusedforrfcavities,onefordiagnosticsand onefor beam injection.Eacharc segmentcontains twodipole magnets (with defocusing gradients), six quadru-pole, and seven sextupole magnets, shown in Fig. 1. Orbitand coupling corrections are achieved via additional wind-ings on the sextupole magnets, fed by power suppliesindependent of the main magnet supply. Four sextupolemagnets in each arc have the required windings to act asskewquadrupoles,althoughonlytwoofthesearecurrentlypowered, giving a total of 28 skew quadrupole magnetsaround the storage ring. The power supplies for these skewquadrupoles are bipolar and can supply a current of up to5A,whichdeliversamaximumkstrengthof0.02perskewquadrupole.II. BEAM DIAGNOSTICSThere are two diagnostic beam lines at the AustralianSynchrotron, an x ray and an optical beam line. Details ofthe diagnostics beam lines can be found in Ref. [2].The x-ray diagnostic beam line (XDB) uses the x-raylight from a bending magnet and passes it through apinhole array. The multiple pinhole images formed arethen projected onto a fluorescent screen and imaged bya CCD camera. By measuring the beam size andknowing the beta functions and dispersion at the sourcepoint, it is possible to extract the beam emittance fromthis image. The CCD camera and beam line optics allowfor beam size measurements with 5 m resolution.However, the resolution limit from diffractive effects is60 m [3], which limits the resolution of vertical emit-tance measurements on this beam line to values above10 pm. Additional effects due to fast beam movementduring relatively slow CCD integration and uncertaintiesin the point spread function of the system make the beamline currently unsuitable for precision beam sizemeasurements.
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