In many cases the individual components in an engineering system may have suffered no or perhaps only a single failure during their operating history. Such a history may be that of continuous operation over a period of time or it may be over a number of discrete demands. In spite of the apparent lack, or paucity of failure rate data, it is still important to be able to estimate a failure rate or failure probability. In order to do this, it is necessary for the engineer to decide whether there is available some source of information which, while not precisely related to the problem of interest, has some material bearing on it. If this is the case, it may be possible to construct a probability distribution for the failure rate defined by a most probable value and some measure of the variance. If no such information is available then it will be necessary to use a so-called non-informative prior within a Bayesian inference scheme. We describe here the essential results of such a scheme. In some cases, experience with similar systems or elicitation by expert judgement may lead to the construction of a prior which gives some guidance as to the most likely value of a failure rate, even though no failures have actually been observed in the system of interest. The choice of prior is not a ‘mechanical’ process and requires some experience as to the type of data of interest and the amount and form of the information available. Ideally, a complete probability distribution would be desirable, obtained by eliciting information from a large number of experts. This situation is rarely practical for logistical and financial reasons. More commonly, one has a most probable value and a standard deviation, or possibly upper and lower confidence limits. Thus, two pieces of information are available and this restricts the algebraic form of the prior to one which contains two arbitrary parameters. The following functions are therefore suitable candidates and have been used in the past to represent the variability of failure rates in various situations. 1.Gamma distribution, 2.Log-normal distribution, 3.Hat function, 4.Log-uniform distribution. The log-normal distribution is useful to represent data which varies in inverse powers of 10 and is symmetrical about the most probable value on a logarithmic scale. The Gamma distribution, on the other hand, will describe data that is skewed about the most probable value on a logarithmic scale with particular emphasis on the suppression of large values of the failure rate. For cases in which little is known about the data except mean values, standard deviations and confidence limits, then the hat function or log-uniform are appropriate. The log-uniform distribution is particularly useful since it represents probabilities that are of equal likelihood on a logarithmic scale between an upper and lower bound. A new form of prior, based on the Cauchy distribution, is found to be useful to represent situations where information about the system is particularly sparse. This paper explores these issues by first reviewing some of the seminal work in the area and then applying Bayesian methods to obtain quantitative results of direct use for practicing engineers. In particular, the paper gives results for the zero failure case for continuous and discrete systems. An important conclusion of the work is that the most appropriate failure rate to use in prospective studies, for components that have been operating continuously for a time T with no failures, is 0.55/T.
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