The cerebral cortex is the primary seat of our sensory experiences, our plans, and the control of our actions. As such, it has been carefully examined since the inception of brain science and has been studied intensively at the level of individual neurons for over 40 years (1, 2). Nonetheless, it appears a fair assessment to say that the single most essential question about cortical physiology—“What is the basic cortical population signalling mechanism?”—has not yet been definitively answered and is still the subject of vigorous debate (3–9). Does the cortex function by pooling together essentially independent neural signals, as in an election, or does the signal come through the coordination of the elements, as in a symphony (3, 10, 11)? An article by Hatsopoulos et al., appearing in this issue of the Proceedings (12), provides interesting new examples of pairs of neurons in the primary motor cortex of monkeys conveying information by the relative timing of their action potentials during an eight-choice reaching task. Forming clear distinctions between independent and coordinated coding is challenging, because cortical neurons have overlapping functions and work together by distributing signals across many elements. These authors present a straightforward, measurable distinction between information transmission in independent and coordinated coding and use their data to evaluate these two hypotheses.
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