The problem of closing the nuclear fuel cycle is not only related to the development of new types of nuclear fuel and the operation of fast neutron reactors, but also to the complex schemes for the pyrochemical reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel (SNF), which, in turn, require adherence to strict process parameters. In particular, this concerns the operation of the reduction of oxidized SNF mainly by metallic lithium. The paper presents the basic scientific principles and the results of experimental verification of the operation of an electrochemical sensor for measuring oxygen in molten salts in pyrochemical reactors for the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. The sensor design consists of two combined electrochemical cells based on the solid electrolyte ZrO2-Y2O3 with a common reference electrode. The sensor allows continuous measurement of the oxygen activity in the oxide-chloride melt and the partial pressure of oxygen in the gas atmosphere above the melt directly during the process of pyrochemical processing. Experimental verification of the sensor performance was performed in a reactor with LiCl-Li2O melts at a temperature of 650 ° C. The resource of continuous sensor operation exceeded 500 hours, and the number of thermal cycles without destruction was at least 20. The sensor readings were found to depend on the specified Li2O content in the LiCl melt.
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