The paper presents results of study of adenylate cyclase activity in the platelets after external whole-body gamma-irradiation of 32 tsigai rams (Ovis aries) with 2, 4 and 6 Gy, at the dose rate of 1 Gy/hour. The irradiation caused the development of acute radiation damage of a different degree of severity. To detect changes in the basal and prostoglandin E1 stimulated (PGE1-stimulated) adenylate cyclase activity thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was carried out during the first 30 days of the damage development. After external -irradiation directly proportional effect of dose on changes in the basal adenylate cyclase activity in the platelets was registered on the 1 and the 7 days of the damage development, the changes in the PGE1-stimulated activity was registered on the 7 day. The study results allow making the suggestion that detected changes in the adenyl-ate cyclase activity in the platelets of irradiated rams may be resulted from the modification of cy-toplasmic cell membranes and impaired functioning of membrane-bound cAMP-sensitive signal-ing pathway. It may be also caused by new cells with qualitatively new properties released from the bone marrow megakaryocytes pool into the bloodstream.
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