Two-dimensional Quantum Spin Hall (QSH) insulators featuring edge states that are topologically protected against back-scattering are arising as a novel state of quantum matter. One of the major obstacles to finding QSH insulators operable at room temperature is the insufficiency of suitable materials demonstrating the QSH effect with a large bulk band gap. Plumbene, the latest group-IV graphene analogous material, shows a large SOC-induced band gap opening but the coupling between topological states at different momentum points makes it a topologically trivial insulator. Pristine plumbene can be chemically functionalized to transform it from a conventional insulator to a topologically non-trivial insulator with a considerable bulk band gap. In this work, three new QSH phases in plumbene have been theoretically predicted through functionalization with amidogen (-NH2), hydroxyl (-OH) and thiol (-SH) groups. The derived electronic properties show non-trivial topological states in plumbene with very high bulk band gaps ranging from 1.0911 eV to as high as 1.1515 eV. External strain can be used to further enhance and tune these bulk gaps, as demonstrated in this work. We also propose a H-terminated SiC (0001) surface as a suitable substrate for the practical implementation of these monolayers to minimize lattice mismatch and maintain their topological order. The robustness of these QSH insulators against strain and substrate effects and the large bulk gaps provide a promising platform for potential applications of future low dissipation nanoelectronic devices and spintronic devices at room temperature.
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