Balancing process carried out in the thermal power station is very complex and complicated. The complete unit is to be cooled down for balancing this takes nearly 10 to 15 days. After cooling the unit is disassembled and the rotor is taken out for which again 10 to 15 days are required for balancing and assembly. Rotor is placed on the balancing machines for balancing which is carried out by Engineers of the testing department. Balancing of a bulky rotor is difficult and it is carried out step by step. After balancing, complete rotor is to be placed in the turbo machine which is a most difficult task as it has to match the all alignment and other conditions properly. The complete process takes period of nearly one and half month for balancing the rotor, so balancing of the rotor is called to be the costly project in the thermal power station. After the balancing procedure is completed, while starting the complete unit various parameters are to be controlled such as steam inlet temperature, pressure, flow of the steam and rpm of the unit to avoid any type of danger. Loss of production of power during the shutdown period is major loss of any power station. Paper details the automatic thermal balancing of turbo machinery rotor using heating coils.
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