Under the trend of electrification in civil aviation, airports are promoting electric ground vehicles to reduce carbon emissions. This paper conducts on electric airport ground service vehicles in scheduling optimization problems. Moreover, driver psychology is also a growing concern as it can affect the efficiency and safety of ground services. Workload balance is one of the major factors affecting driver psychology. In the context of facing challenges for ground vehicle scheduling, fully using electric vehicles and guaranteeing the workload balance are major concerns in our study. This paper investigates the electric shuttle buses and towing tractors cooperative scheduling considering workload balance optimization problem (e-STCSWB). We introduce a mixed integer programming formulation for e-STCSWB that considers cooperative relationships, workload balance, energy consumption and time windows to minimize total energy consumption costs. The e-STCSWB is obtained small scale exact solutions using the CPLEX solver. Furthermore, a column generation approach is developed, which is enhanced through a problem-specific strategy. Extensive computational results using real-world instances from one of China’s largest airports show that it can obtain optimal or near-optimal solutions. The problem-specific strategy significantly improve the performance in terms of solution quality and solution time. Finally, we perform sensitivity analyses to demonstrate the impact under different numbers of vehicles and workload balance requirements parameter settings.
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