Abstract. This system was developed to determine the accuracy of sentiment analysis on Twitter regarding the COVID-19 issue using the Nazief-Adriani and Porter stemmers with TF-IDF weighting, along with a classification process using K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) that resulted in a comparison of 48.24% for Nazief-Adriani and 48.24% for Porter. Purpose: This research aims to determine the accuracy of the Nazief-Adriani and Porter stemmer algorithms in performing text preprocessing using a dataset from Indonesian-language Twitter. This research involves word weighting using TF-IDF and classification using the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm. Methods/Study design/approach: The experimentation was conducted by applying the Nazief-Adriani and Porter stemmer algorithm methods, utilizing data sourced from Twitter related to COVID-19. Subsequently, the data underwent text preprocessing, stemming, TF-IDF weighting, accuracy testing of training and testing data using K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm, and the accuracy of both stemmers was calculated employing a confusion matrix table. Result/Findings: This study obtained reasonably accurate results in testing the Nazief-Adriani stemmer with an accuracy of 50.98%, applied to sentiment analysis of COVID-19-related Twitter data using the Indonesian language. As for the accuracy of the Porter stemmer, it achieved an accuracy rate of 48.24%. Novelty/Originality/Value: Feature selection is crucial in stemmer accuracy testing. Therefore, in this study, feature selection is carried out using the Nazief-Adriani and Porter stemmers for testing purposes, and the accuracy data classification is conducted using the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm
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