Abstract The oxygen transfer rate is a parameter that characterizes the gas-liquid mass transfer in surface aerators. Gas-liquid transfer mech-anisms in surface aeration tanks depend on two different extreme lengths of time; namely, macromixing and micromixing. Small scale mixing close to the molecular level is referred to as micromixing; whereas, macromixing refers to mixing on a large scale. Using experi-mental data and numerical simulations, macro- and micro-scale parameters describing the two extreme time scales were investigated. A scale up equation to simulate the oxygen transfer rate with micromixing times was developed in geometrically similar baffled surface aerators. Keywords: Energy dissipation, Macromixing, Micromixing, Oxygen transfer rate, Surface aerators, Theoretical power per unit volume 1. Introduction Surface aeration is an important operation in chemical and other processing industries. Surface aeration is defined as the aeration or oxygen transfer that takes place at the gas-liquid surface when the liquid is agitated. The objective of studying aeration process was to interpret the laboratory result for the development of a field installation. This requires a geometrical similarity condition; that is to say the field installation should be built on a definite geometric ratio to that of the laboratory setup. Under a geometric similarity condition, an effective scale-up mandates an awareness of the relative importance of various process parameters at different levels of scrutiny.Inside a surface aeration tank, different scales of mixing are present, with regions where one of the scales of mixing will pre-vail, i.e., either macromixing or micromixing. Macromixing is mixing driven by the largest scales of motion in the fluid. Mi-cromixing prevails near the impeller; where small eddies define the velocity gradients surrounding the bubbles. According to Kolmogorov’s theory, the power per unit volume determines the energy and size of the turbulent eddies, which has traditionally been used in the design and scale up of equipment [1-4].Macromixing prevails adjacent to the micromixing region, which determines the internal homogenization, movement of bubbles across the reactor and flow pattern when the turbulent eddies are tank-sized. The contribution of the surface aeration of a tank, as well as the effect of the geometry of the impeller and the tank to the mass transfer the depend on this scale of mixing [1, 4-8].Unlike macromixing, which is associated with large-scale fluid motions that can be monitored directly through physical property measurements, micromixing deals with diffusive mix-ing at the molecular level, for which only indirect methods are available. Despite the availability of much literature on the mix-ing length scale, mixing scale behavior of surface aerators is typ-ically missing. Recently, Rao and Kumar [9] studied the micro-mixing behaviors of unbaffled surface aerators. However, baffled type surface aeration systems are mostly preferred in the mixing and chemical industry. Baffles are flat vertical strips set radi-ally along the tank wall, which avoid vortex formation. A baffled tank provides a better concentration distribution throughout the tank and; therefore, improved mixing efficiency is achieved. Thus, this study aimed to understand the prevalent mixing scale in baffled circular surface aeration systems and obtain scale-up or simulation equations for different mixing scales.
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