The milk composition in a Swedish herd, consisting of Swedish Red and White cows (SRB) and Swedish Holstein cows (SLB), and in a Danish herd, consisting of Danish Holstein-Friesian cows (SDM), was evaluated. Concentrations of the major milk proteins (κ-casein, αS1-casein, β-casein, β-lactoglobulin A, β-lactoglobulin B and α-lactalbumin) of 134 individual milk samples were determined by reversed phase (RP) HPLC. Other parameters determined included milk fat, urea, lactose, calcium, lactoferrin, somatic cell count and protein degradation (determined as level of free amino-terminals). Analysis of variance was used to compare concentrations of analysed milk variables between SRB and SLB or between SLB and SDM. Concentration of total protein, total casein, β-casein and κ-casein were significantly higher in SRB milk compared with SLB milk. Concentration of α-lactalbumin and calcium were significantly higher in SDM milk than in SLB milk. The concentration of urea was higher in SLB than in SDM milk and is suggested to reflect differences in feeding regimes between the investigated Swedish and Danish herd.
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