Broader Autism Phenotype (BAP) traits may be present in parents of children on the autism spectrum. However, the prevalence and impact of these traits on parental mental health is poorly understood. We explore BAP traits and its relationship to mental health in 228 fathers and 261 mothers from a sample of 266 scholars from the EPINED study (Spain) grouped as follows: non-autism (N = 122), autism traits (N = 93: 38 subthreshold autism and 55 autism symptoms) and autism (N = 51). BAP rates were higher in fathers (36.9%) than in mothers (26.1%). Moreover, BAP was significantly more frequent in fathers of autistic children (52.3%) than in fathers of children without autistic traits (28.0%), with no differences between autistic conditions groups. Mothers of autistic children exhibited higher psychological distress (36.0%) than mothers of comparison group (19.2%). Fathers with BAP obtained significantly higher scores in emotional problems than fathers without BAP. Multivariate analyses showed that, fathers' emotional problems were associated with their BAP traits, whereas in mothers they were associated with having a child with autism as well as the child's emotional dysregulation. Identifying BAP in parents of autistic conditions children can help professionals to provide specific strategies for improving the well-being of children and parents.
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