This paper examines the origin, meaning, and application of tomb(墓) and storage(庫) theory of Earth(土) in the JinSulChookMi(辰戌丑未) out of the Five Elements(五行). Concerning the distinction of tomb and storage, in Gwak Park(郭璞)'s original text, Jangong(張顒)'s 『Okjojeongjingyung(玉照定眞經)』, and Seo Ja-pyeong(徐子平)'s 『Okjoxinnengjingyung(玉照神應眞經)』, had claimed the Powerful Qi(旺氣) as storage, and the Weak Qi as tomb. On the contrary to this claim, the authors of other books such as 『Lihezhongmingshu(李虛中命書)』 and etc used both terms tomb and storage interchangeably. However, the author of 『Myeongriyakeon(命理約言)』, Jin So-Am(陣素庵) only referred to Joonggi(中氣) of the Jijangan(支藏干) as tomb and used the terms storage and tomb interchangeably. Jin So-Am, the author of book 『Myeongriyakeon(命理約言)』, distinguished the terms of opening storage with this case; Penalty(刑) meets Moving(動) and collision(沖) meets launching(發), and Activating(發動) becomes opening Storage. He suggested Hyung·Choong·Pa·Hae(刑·沖·破·害) as a way of opening storage. The author of 『Japyeongjinjeon(子平眞詮)』, Shim Hyo-cheom(沈孝瞻) argued that Hyung, Choong(刑沖) is acceptable as the way of opening storage, but that the opening of Wood·Fire·Metal·Water(木火金水) is an error of book writers, and only the Hyung(沖) of Earth(土) is possible. On the other hand, the author of 『Jeokcheonsucheonmi(滴天髓闡微)』, Lim Cheol-cho(任鐵樵), said that one should judge opening storage carefully according to destiny(命). The character of entering the storage(入庫) is still interpreted as the five elements entering the storehouse. In the 『Sanmingtonghui(三命通會)』, If the command of the ten stars that have been received is transmitted to the heavens and works for good, you can enjoy blessings, but if they are not transmitted, You have to be a good judge of the strength and weakness of your destiny. Entering the tomb(入墓) means to enter a tomb, and is used negatively compared to entering the storage(入庫). In the 『Lihezhongmingshu(李虛中命書)』 When the Five Elements are in the fortune of entering the tomb(入墓), one should be humble and reserved in order to preserve their wealth.
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