We use a combination of a many-body model analysis with an ab initio band structure calculation to derive the temperature dependent electronic quasiparticle structure of the rare-earth metal Gadolinium. As a local-moment system Gd is properly represented by the ferromagnetic (multiband) Kondo-lattice model (s-f (d-f) model). The single-particle part of the model-Hamiltonian is taken from an augmented spherical wave (ASW) band calculation. The proposed method avoids the double counting of relevant interactions by exploiting an exact limiting case of the model and takes into account the correct symmetry of atomic orbitals. The a priori only weakly correlated 5d conduction bands get via interband exchange coupling to the localized 4f levels a distinct temperature dependence which explains by a Rudermann-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) -type mechanism the ferromagnetism of Gd. We get a self-consistently derived Curie temperature of 294.1 K and a T=0-moment of 7.71 $\mu_{\rm B}$, surprisingly close to the experimental values. The striking induced temperature-dependence of the 5d conduction bands explains respective photoemission data. The only parameter of the theory (interband exchange coupling J) is uniquely fixed by the band calculation.
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