Electron spectroscopy methods are widely used in scientific research and for technological purposes. The main element of spectrometers is an analyzer of charged particle beams. Electrostatic mirror systems are widely used due to their simpler practical realization. At their development two purposes were set: to improve the quality of spatial focusing of charged particles or to increase the value of linear energy dispersion. The objects of the study are electrostatic systems characterized by small sizes, simplicity of stabilization and localization of the working field and its shielding from the external electromagnetic disturbances. From all the known types of energy analyzers, suitable for the analysis of solid surfaces, preference is given to those that have good electron-optical properties, are simple in manufacture and operation. Therefore, spherical and cylindrical mirrors, which have become a basic tool for firms producing spectrometers, have been chosen as the object of study. The work solves the problem of expansion of the functional capacities of these systems by, firstly, combining several research methods in one device; and secondly, by solving specific narrower problems. A photoelectron or Auger spectrometer with an increased scanning area is proposed, where the initial angular opening of the beam 4° after passing a cylindrical mirror is increased to 10°, and the image smearing is reduced to 0.05 %. An Auger-electron spectrometer for analysis of rough surface has been developed, which allows to increase the probing depths by more than 5 times. A double filter type energy analyzer is calculated. Energy resolution was improved to 1.37 % by eliminating potential barrier smearing in low energy filter mode. Previously, the energy resolution was limited to 10 % due to this drawback
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