T VARIATION of the albedo and of the character of the surface reflection of a satellite as the result of the influence of the atmosphere, meteoric matter and other physical factors, plays a considerable role in the observation of a satellite, and may also be of independent scientific interest. In connection with this, an attempt was made to establish the fact of the variation in the surface reflectivity according to data from the observation of the first artificial satellite which had a mirror surface and, consequently, at the initial period of its existence had a specular reflection. This circumstance makes it easier to analyze available observations. The method used to determine the variation of the albedo of the first satellite in flight is based on the following facts: 1 The known differences between the specular and diffuse reflection of a sphere. 2 The possible decrease in the amount of the reflected light if the surface condition were altered by the influence of external factors. In Fig. 1 is shown the dependence of the difference of stellar magnitudes (Am = m3 — md) of a sphere on the phase 6 for a specular and a diffused reflection of light (0 is the angle between the directions satellite-sun and satellite-observer). Evidently, with the increase of the angle 0, the difference Am increases, and for 6 > 135-140 deg attains 2.5-3.0 magnitudes. Consequently, it is impossible to observe the diffuse reflection of a sphere in the direction almost opposite the sun, whereas the brilliance of a specular reflection of a sphere does not depend on the phase. During the period from Oct. 4, 1957 to Dec. 6, 1957 more than 200 optical observations of the first Earth satellite were made with astronomical tubes of the AT-1 type. For all these observations the phase angles 6 and the distance of the sun below the horizon A have been computed. Next, the data containing 0, A, the time of observation, the elevation f3, the azimuths A, distances to the satellite — S, stellar magnitudes m (the average observed magnitude of the first satellite reduced to the distance of 500 km was approximately equal to 5-5.5) and differences Am have been separated into two groups corresponding to the two periods of time considerably different from each other because of the conditions of observations. During the first period (from Oct. 9-Oct. 31, 1957) 159 observations were made with 106 passes of the satellite in 23 days (4.6 passes every 24 hr); during the second period (from Nov. 1-Dec. 7,1957) 63 observations were made with 42 passes in 37 days (1.1 passes every 24 hr). At the same time, the number of ephemerides sent to stations during the first period was 904, i.e., 39 every 24 hr, and 1131 during the second period (30 every 24 hr). The insignificant relative decrease in the number of ephemerides does not explain the sharp drop in the number of observations in November. The main reason for the decrease in the number of observations was a large number of cloudy days during this period. On the basis of the processed data of the 200 observations, one can arrive at the following conclusions: 1 During the first period, numerous observations were made at small elevations (20 deg and less), that is, at large distances to the satellite. There are also observations with large phase angles (0 > 130). 2 During the second period, there were no observations with great distances and large phase angles. Table 1 shows the data concerning the number of observations with different fi and 6 during the two periods in question. Table 2 shows the data for @at, 6av, Sav and the altitude of the satellite's flight above the observation points on ascending and descending parts of the orbit in the two described periods. By ascending (direct) loop, we define that part of the orbit which corresponds to the motion of the satellite from southern latitudes to the northern ones, by the descending (retrograde) loop we mean the motion from the northern latitudes to the southern ones. From the data it is evident that in October the satellite did not yet lose its specular reflecting properties, since there were observations with phase angles 6 up to 140 deg. If the surface deteriorates, i.e., if a sharp decrease of the specular reflection coefficient occurs, the brilliance of the satellite with 6 = 140 deg must be two and a half magnitudes smaller than with the
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