Pharmaceutical assistance within the Unified Health System (SUS) plays a central role in ensuring access to essential medicines and the effectiveness of public health actions, particularly in Primary Health Care (PHC), which serves as the main gateway to the system. This study aimed to investigate the challenges faced by pharmaceutical assistance in the SUS, with a focus on PHC, analyzing issues such as failures in distribution logistics, insufficient technical training of professionals, and poor integration between levels of care and information systems. Additionally, it addressed problems related to low patient adherence to treatment and the irrational use of medicines, factors that undermine the effectiveness of comprehensive care. The research was based on an in-depth literature review and employed qualitative methods to explore the complexity of pharmaceutical assistance management and the obstacles encountered in daily practice. Based on the identification of these challenges, recommendations were proposed for the formulation of more effective public policies, improvements in medication management, and enhanced training for health professionals. The study also highlights strategies to promote the rational use of medicines and optimize the quality of pharmaceutical care in PHC. It is expected that the findings will contribute to the improvement of pharmaceutical assistance within the SUS, ultimately strengthening the healthcare system as a whole.
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