In a study2 having to do with methods of hastening the germination of common asparagus seeds, it became necessary to determine the stages in the development of certain seed structures. This investigation was later extended, and the results are here presented. The seed of common asparagus arises from an anatropous ovule, two ovules normally being borne in each of the three locules of the ovary. The seed coat is black, finely rugose, and somewhat brittle. The embryo is a slender, threadlike structure completely imbedded in the hard, horny endosperm, the walls of which are hemicellulose. The structure of the mature seed of asparagus is briefly described and figured by HARZ. His descriptions and figures, however, show certain errors, which undoubtedly were due to his failure to follow through the changes which the seed structures undergo in their development. For example, he regards the structureless membrane just beneath the seed coat as the epidermis of nucellus, whereas developmental studies show this to be of integumentary origin. Both paraffin sections and sections of fresh seeds were employed. The latter were found to be particularly helpful. All drawings were made with a camera lucida. Integument At the time of pollination, the inner integument of the ovule consists of two cell layers, and the outer integument of from five to ten layers (figs. I-3) . The line of demarcation between the integuments I Contribution from the Division of Botany, College of Agriculture, University of California. 2 BORTHWICK, H. A., Factors influencing the rate of germination of the seed of Asparagus officinalis. Calif. Agric. Exp. Sta., Tech. Paper i8. I925. 3 HARZ, C. D., Landwirtschaftliche Samenkunde. i885. 4 In all the figures of this paper the following indicators are used: de, disintegrating endosperm cells; e, endosperm; em, embryo; gr, stem growing point; I, hilum; ii, inner integument; m, micropyle; n, nucellus; oi, outer integument; pe, pitted, thick walled endosperm; pm, pectic membrane; r, root tip; rc, root cap; s, seed coat; sac, embryo sac; sm, suberized membrane; su, suspensor; te, thin walled endosperm cells. Botanical Gazette, vol. 8o] [426
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