Rice production in Asia is a cornerstone of global food security. Implementing innovative crop establishment practices and utilizing nano fertilizers can enhance rice yields and mitigate environmental concerns, thereby contributing to a resilient and sustainable food system. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted over 2020 and 2021 that included various methods of application (seed treatment, root dipping, soil and foliar application) of nano fertilizers (nano nitrogen and nano zinc) under different rice establishment methods (conventional paddy and SRI). Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher’s analysis of variance and Duncan’s multiple range test (p ≤ 0.05). The findings showed that the application of 75% N and two foliar sprays of nano-nitrogen and nano-zinc at 25 to 30 and 45 to 50 days after transplanting under System of Rice Intensification method (Treatment T14) was statistically superior in improving growth and yield parameters, grain and straw yield, and in enhancing the quality of rice over other treatments. Studies revealed strong positive correlations between all the measures, with the exception of the proportion of chaffiness and unfilled grains. The results of the stepwise regression analysis revealed the percentage dependence of grain and straw yield on growth, yield, and quality factors.
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