Stained glass painting, is a distinctive assessory in the interior repertoire of Christian ecclesiastic spaces [1]. It is a form of painting executed on a glass surface, which permit penetration of natural light and illumination through it into the sanctuary [2]. It is a common phenomenon in orthodox churches such as Catholic, Anglican and Methodist among others. Stained glass paintings spread across several church denominations in Òsun State, Nigeria. Catholic, Methodist and Anglican denominations in Òsun State Nigeria and specifically in Òsogbo the capital city adopts usage of stained glass, a form of painting in their Churches. The practice of stained glass painting in Òsogbo, Nigeria and its environs is deep. Yet, the art forms have not attracted scholars’ interest overtime. Except for few pictures of stained glass of some churches in Òsogbo, schorlarly publication on the subject is scanty. Few available information on stained glass in Òsogbo is grossly scanty to justify the practice of the art forms. These art forms may depreciate in value overtime or lost due to church renovation or perhaps natural disasters. This makes the study of stained glass art in these churches highly imperative. Hence, focus of the study is on the usage of stained glass paintings in Methodist church, Ìsàlè-Àró, Òsogbo and selected Anglican Churches in Ode-Òmu, Ifón-Òsun, Ìddó- Òsun, Ìlobú, Ilé-Ifè and Òke-Fía, Òsogbo. The study examines the origin, history, theme, form, style, techniques and attempts comparative analysis of the art works. Nevertheless, rationale for limiting the study to selected Anglican and Methodist churches is because Jimoh Buraimoh, the famous bead painter of Òsogbo art center, produced all the paintings. Moreover, Jimoh Buraimoh’s stained glass paintings unlike other works like bead paintings have not been studied in any appreciable measure as his other art types [3]. The study therefore analyzes stained glass paintings of Jimoh Buraimoh in the selected Anglican and Methodist Churches in Òsun State, Nigeria. Specifically, the research identifies stained glass paintings in some churches in Òsun State, Nigeria; discusses and describes the stained glass, analyzes the form, style, theme and techniques of the stained glass in each of the churches; comparatively analyzes the stained glass paintings of the two selected church denominations. All stained glass paintings in different denominational Church sanctuaries in Òsun State, Nigeria constituted sample frame for this research. Total population is fourteen (14). Stained glass paintings in Church sanctuaries executed by Jimoh Buraimoh, a famous painter of Òsogbo art centre constitute fifty percent (50%) of the fourteen (14) stain glass paintings in Òsun State, Nigeria. Hence, these seven (07) stained glass works constituted sample size for the study. Data collection instrument for the study were visual and audio-visual equipment such as camera, tape recorder, and video gadgets. Digital camera was used to record photographs of the stained glass in each of the Churches for formal analysis. Primary and secondary sources of information were used for the study. Sources of data collection includes oral interview and participant observation. Related textbooks, journal articles and theses were also consulted. ‘The Good Shephered’ and ‘Ascension’ are the two themes of the paintings. Statistical analysis indicates that a theme ‘The Good Shephered’ are six (06) with percentage distribution of eighty-five point seven one percent (85.71%) while ‘Ascension’ is only one (01) with a percentage distribution of fourteen point two nine percent (14.29%). The artist used imported materials and adopted western techniques and style in executing the paintings. The paintings serves as a medium of pictorial and spiritual dialogue.
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