Reviewed by: Tendances C1/C2 by Denis Liakin et al. Eileen M. Angelini Liakin, Denis, Natallia Liakina, Gabriel Michaud, et Fabien Olivry. Tendances C1/C2. CLE International, 2018. ISBN 978-209-038-537-3. Pp. 208. Offering a range of authentic documents (videos, radio broadcasts, colorful artistic reproductions, infographics) from the Francophone world, Tendances is suitable for both secondary and post-secondary programs. Given its approach of relatable real-life "actionnels" scenarios and its focus on the use of language in purposeful and practical ways, Tendances is well suited for Integrated Performance Assessments (IPAs) based on Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational Communication skills. Each scénario actionnel or lesson is spread across six to eight pages. There are eighteen lessons that are grouped into six units, with each unit being comprised of three lessons each. In preparation for the lesson's project, each lesson has clearly articulated objectives with [End Page 255] easily identifiable themes, communication activities, and timely cultural connections. The authors intended for Tendances to be a flexible resource. As each lesson is independent, it does not have to follow the previous one. Thus, the lessons can be conducted in any order according to the needs of the course structure and the course's learning goals and objectives. For example, for a course that focuses on current events, while paying heed to student sensibilities, the Réfléchir aux réalités politiques et sociales unit is appropriate. In Leçon 2–Intervenir dans un débat, the article "Vaccination... L'obligation fait débat" (UFC-Que Choisir Haute-Loire, 12 janvier 2018) and the activities structured around it are especially timely in view of the recent measles outbreak that has become a state of emergency in Washington and the ongoing debates over whether to vaccinate or not. For those desiring a more linear approach, the Entrer dans le monde du travail unit would be particularly pertinent in a Business French course in light of its three lessons that culminate in task-based projects. Taking into account the nuances of the French cover letter that make it distinct from the American one, this lesson is ripe for a class discussion on cultural differences that have an impact in the business world. For the Simuler un entretien d'embauche lesson, the communication activities are Se renseigner sur le poste et sur l'entreprise and Mettre en valeur ses compétences, the second of which can easily lead to expansion activities on vocabulary enrichment (synonyms for commonly-used adjectives). The Faire un stage en entreprise lesson's cultural connections (Les stages en France et en Suisse, Le rapport de stage, Les secteurs d'activité économique, La rémunération des stagiaires) will lead students to find answers for the practical questions and relevant concerns they might have about doing an internship abroad. Eileen M. Angelini East Carolina University (NC) Copyright © 2019 American Association of Teachers of French
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