
The article presents the problem of archaisms, their energy influence on the human behavior in the integration unity with the ontological aspects of human development. The paper integrates the latest ideas of «non-classical psychology» (L. Vygotsky, A. Asmolov, D. El’konin, etc.), which determines the dynamics of the psychology development from statics to the psychodynamic approach to the study of the human psyche.
 The archaic heritage, as argued here, can not be studied independently from the personalized-individual human psyche. The article emphasizes the energу «doubling» (amplification and direction) of the psyche’s motivational potential due to its phylogenetic nature. The greatest achievement of the archaic heritage of mankind is the archetype as an instinct, which provides the ability to transcode the ideal psychic reality into the materialized and objectified one with the preservation of information equivalents. Therefore, it is impossible to perceive archaisms beyond the archetypal symbolism. The above mentioned explains the archaic origins of the successful use of the artistic works reproductions in the deep perception of the psyche.
 The article focuses on the archaism of guilt, which derives from the Oedipal complex and is also of an archaic origin. The category of guilt and the feeling of guilt respectively correlate with the conscious and unconscious aspects of the psyche. The effectiveness of «Super-Ego» is revealed in the guilt emergence.
 The article is completed within the psychodynamic paradigm and is based on the empirical material of the deep knowledge of the subject's psyche.


  • The article presents the problem of archaisms, their energy influence on the human behavior in the integration unity with the ontological aspects of human development

  • El’konin, etc.), which determines the dynamics of the psychology development from statics to the psychodynamic approach to the study of the human psyche

  • The greatest achievement of the archaic heritage of mankind is the archetype as an instinct, which provides the ability to transcode the ideal psychic reality into the materialized and objectified one with the preservation of information equivalents

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Article info

The article presents the problem of archaisms, their energy influence on the human behavior in the integration unity with the ontological aspects of human development. El’konin, etc.), which determines the dynamics of the psychology development from statics to the psychodynamic approach to the study of the human psyche. The archaic heritage, as argued here, can not be studied independently from the personalized-individual human psyche. It is impossible to perceive archaisms beyond the archetypal symbolism. The article focuses on the archaism of guilt, which derives from the Oedipal complex and is of an archaic origin. The article is completed within the psychodynamic paradigm and is based on the empirical material of the deep knowledge of the subject's psyche

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