
The basis of the research is the psychodynamic theory and the corresponding practice of deep knowledge of the psyche in its integrity (conscious / unconscious). The article focuses on the methodological and instrumental aspects of knowledge of the phenomenon of guilt in the depth-correction process using visualized means, based on archetypal symbols. The interconnection of guilty with a tendency to self-guilty and the Oedipus complex, which has archaic origin, is stated. The content of the article characterizes the guilt and feeling of guilt of the subject in relation to the conscious and unconscious aspect of the psyche.The article deals with the phenomenon of guilt in relation to original sin and Christian faith. After all, sin causes a feeling of guilt, which is expressed individually uniquely. In Christianity, sin and guilt are united by their archaic nature, but man is conscious of sin, and guilt is predominantly unconscious. Therefore, the significance2of original sin as one of the factors of guilt, in connection with the effectiveness of the substructure of the psyche - Super-Ego is revealed.For the first time it was stated that the archaic origin of the fault can be investigated theoretically, in the practical aspect archaism of guilt is not autonomous, separated from the individualized psyche of the subject. It is stressed that the archaism of guilt cannot detect itself directly in the mind of the subject, which determines the use in the in-depth knowledge of mediated means.The energy potential, which carries a sense of guilt, and negatively affects the psyche of the subject is analyzed. Therefore, the fault in the deep-correction process is known in unity with the archetype. Echoes of the guilty's archaism are reflected in the individualized psyche of the subject and are objectified through drawings of guilt, author's drawings, etc. Key words: archaism of guilt, archetype, Superego, active social and psychological perception, Oedipus complex, original sin Отримано: 06. 1 1 .2018 Відрецензовано: 20 .1 1 .2018 Опубліковано: 28 .12.2018 DOI: http://doi.org/10.31108/3.2019.2.10.4 * * * * * Завантажити/прочитати статтю PDF

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