Medicine progresses as science in general advances. One of the major functions of medicine is to appropriate unto itself the discoveries of science so far as they are applicable. According to the Father of Medicine, diet was the center about which the art developed. Celsus, writing in the days of Christ, tells us that even in his day it had become “more than a conjectural art” As science has evolved, it has permeated every phase of practice. At present our profession is held in great honor, hybrid though it is, because it partakes of the best features of both the arts and the sciences. Throughout the centuries internal medicine has continued to occupy the central position, sharing honors with surgery, which, at times, threatens to overshadow it. One division or specialty after another has developed. Some of them have proved fundamental to the science of medicine and may be considered the roots, while others are essential to practice and may be regarded as branches. But each successive specialty, root or b...
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