AbstractThe potential for encapsulation of arsenic waste by combination with two commodity polymers was evaluated. Initial studies employed nontoxic substitutes, these being gypsum and calcium carbonate, with host polymers being predominately a recycled grade of polyethylene (PE) and a synthetic elastomer. The latter was used at low processing temperatures with rather volatile arsenic compounds. The gypsum caused processing difficulties due to evolved water, but the CaCO3 was able to be readily combined at high volumes. Arsenic trioxide was able to be incorporated at modest levels in PE and was less successfully combined with the rubber. However, the higher processing temperatures needed for PE caused the As2O3 to sublime. Less volatile calcium arsenite, readily prepared from As2O3, was able to be mixed at high volume ratios with the rubber, although processing with PE was less successful. These results may be used in conjunction with other methods for stabilization and would be applicable to other forms of medium‐ to high‐level waste. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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