Anyone offering a grand tour is faced with several options. Should they concentrate on what may be considered to be essential features, or should they attempt to present a brief glimpse of almost everything? The present offering is a compromise between these two extremes. The area considered - theoretical physics - is now such a vast subject that some kind of compromise is essential. Indeed, the field is now so wide that few could even attempt to review it in a single-authored work. My task here is to assess how well this book has succeeded in its main aim of providing a unified (though introductory) tour of this subject. Constrained within a single volume, this is clearly not an updated Landau-Lifschitz. It cannot be expected to take any particular topic to the level of recent research. Nevertheless, it does seem to cover the broad range of essential topics which now constitute the subject. It starts (most appropriately in my opinion) with geometry. It then covers classical physics, general relativity and quantum theory before moving on to relativistic field theories, statistical mechanics and more modern developments. Naturally, the choice of material to be included in a tour of this kind must depend heavily on the prejudices of the author. These come out very clearly. The book is excellent in its coverage of field theories, but is very weak in areas of condensed-matter physics. This reflects the author's own interests in the early universe. It is therefore likely to please those who are interested in modern approaches to cosmology, and may be approved of by many readers of Classical and Quantum Gravity. However, it is necessary to guard against the impression that this is all there is to theoretical physics. There are deep problems in superconductivity, for example, for which this book provides little preparation. As to level, the depth of coverage is generally greater than that required for most undergraduate programmes, although a specialist undergraduate module may go deeper in some topics. Nevertheless, the breadth is far greater than that usually encountered at this level. The approach to each topic is fairly uniform. A common notation is used consistently, and connections are helpfully indicated between areas that are frequently treated separately. As such, this book is suitable for undergraduates who want a broader view of their subject, for postgraduates who need to catch up quickly in areas they have not previously met, as well as for more experienced researchers who want a brief introduction to topics that are far from their research specialisms. Particularly useful material that has been included in this second edition of the book are introductions to supersymmetry, topological defects and string theory. Although these sections are only introductory, their inclusion represents a significant improvement. There are, however, some eccentricities - for example, the definition of a soliton as a topological defect rather than a solution of a nonlinear equation that is associated with a pole in an associated linear system. Also, there are some naive comments on the philosophy of science in the introduction. But such criticisms are not significant. Within a single volume, this book meets a genuine need. It provides appropriate material to enable many of us to broaden our knowledge into areas that are only loosely related to our own specialisms. I can certainly recommend it, and I am sure I will regularly use it personally. The author should be congratulated on generally meeting the aims he set out to achieve, at least within field theory areas of theoretical physics. It is likely to prove to be an extremely helpful resource.
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