Fractal dimensions characterize the spatial distribution pattern of mineral deposits, allowing the mineralization processes beneath and at the surface to be understood. This study considered a mineralized vein along the fracture/shear zone near the Dona Temple in the Jonnagiri gold deposit and borehole data from the Sangli Block in the Gadag gold deposit. The above-mentioned zones were considered using fractal dimensional analysis to constrain the fluid-flow pathways. The box-counting technique was used to measure the fractal dimension of the mineralized vein along the surface from a detailed to a regional scale. The fractal correlation integral method was used to provide the fractal dimension values from the gold assay (in g t −1 ). The box-counting fractal dimension values obtained varied from 1.07 to 1.36, whilst the fractal dimensions obtained from the fractal correlation integral method ranged from 0.03 to 1.97. Higher fractal values signify a fully matured interlinked fracture/fault network with steep fluid-flow pathways, while lower values indicate the converse condition. Further, the study showed that the fractal analysis of the mineralized vein along the fracture/shear zone appeared to correlate with the fault system rather than with the litho-contact. Economic gold deposition occurs mainly along a structure with a steep fractal gradient, which is the target area for economic gold exploration.