Let K be a field, L be a field extension of K, and G be a connected semisimple algebraic group defined over K. In [6], we called a K-torus T to be K-irreducible if it does not contain any proper K-subtori. We established the existence of such tori in any connected absolutely (almost) simple algebraic group over a global field and gave applications of this result, in particular, to the congruence subgroup problem. Subsequently, in [8] we considered maximal tori in arbitrary semisimple groups, where the notion of irreducible tori had to be replaced with a more general notion of quasi-irreducible tori. As in [8], we will say that a maximal L-torus T of G is L-quasi-irreducible (or, quasi-irreducible over L) if it does not contain any L-subtori other than (almost direct) products of the subtori T (i) := T ∩G(i), where G, . . . , G are the connected L-simple normal subgroups of G. In [8], we proved the existence of K-quasi-irreducible tori in G if K is a finitely generated field of characteristic zero. (A noteworthy feature of the argument in [8] is that it is based on the technique of embedding relevant finitely generated fields into nonarchimedean local fields, developed and used earlier in [7] for a different purpose.) Assume now that K is a finitely generated subfield of the field R of real numbers. In [8] we proved that any Zariski-dense subsemigroup of G(K) contains a regular R-regular element x such that the centralizer T of x in G is a K-quasiirreducible torus and the cyclic subgroup of T (K) generated by x is Zariski-dense in T . Since such elements will also play an important role in the current paper, we recall for the reader’s convenience that a semisimple element x ∈ G is called regular if the identity component ZG(x)◦ of its centralizer is a (maximal) torus; note that x ∈ ZG(x)◦ ([4], 11.12). Regular elements form a Zariski-open subset of G (cf. [4], §12). A regular element x of G(L) will be called L-quasi-irreducible if the maximal L-torus T := ZG(x)◦ is L-quasi-irreducible, and x will be called L-quasi-irreducible anisotropic if, in addition, T is anisotropic over L. We will say that an element x ∈ G(K) is without components of finite order, if in some (equivalently, any) decomposition x = x1 · · ·xt, with xi ∈ Gi, where G1, . . . ,Gt are the connected absolutely simple normal subgroups of G, all the xi’s have infinite order. It is easy to see that (for x ∈ G(K)) this notion is equivalent to the one introduced in [8]. An element x ∈ G(R) is called R-regular if the number of eigenvalues, counted with multiplicity, of modulus 1 of Ad x is minimum possible. Such an element
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