
Let G be a semi-simple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field, k. Let G act rationally by automorphisms on the finitely generated k-algebra, R. The problem of proving that the ring of invariants, RG, is finitely generated originates with the invariant theorists of the nineteenth century. When k = C, the complex numbers, and G GL (n, C) the question is answered affirmatively by Hilbert's fundamental theorem of invariant theory. The proof involved constructing a G equivariant projection from R to RG and then using it to prove the result algebraically. When k is of characteristic 0 and G is any semi-simple group, by a theorem of H. Weyl, every finite dimensional representation of G is completely reducible. In the 1950's D. Mumford and others (Cartier, Iwahori, Nagata) applied Weyl's theorem to construct a projection from R to RG for any semi-simple group. This made it possible to generalize Hilbert's proof to an arbitrary semi-simple group. Certain geometric applications, particularly to the theory of moduli, made a generalization to groups over fields of positive characteristic highly desirable. In positive characteristic, complete reducibility definitely fails. Hence attempts were made to replace complete reducibility with a weaker condition which would at once hold for all semi-simple groups and make a proof of finite generation of RG possible. The weakest way to state complete reducibility is the following. If V is a finite dimensional G-module containing a G-stable sub-space of co-dimension one, VT, then there is a G-stable line LC V such that V0 E L = V. Mumford conjectured a weaker version of this statement by seeking a complement only in a higher symmetric power of V, SI( V). This is the conjecture as it is stated in the preface to [16]:

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