The content of mobile forms of chemical elements in soils is affected by many factors including soil pH, grading and humus concentration. The most pronounced influence on elements behavior and their absorption levels by plants is produced by pH, which gives an opportunity to characterize quantitatively the ratio between elements forms in the solution and the equation between liquid, solid and gaseous forms of soil. Thus, the element composition of solid and liquid soil phases depending on pH may become of special interest. The article presents the results of a model experiment to determine the changes occurring in different pH ranges in the solid and liquid phases of aqueous soil suspensions taken from the organogenic horizon of the peat-podzolic soil of the Moscow Region. Potentiometric titration and atomic absorption methods for determination of chemical elements (Ca, Mg, K, Mn, Fe, Al, Si) were used. The element composition of solid and liquid phases of peat-podzolic soil suspension is considered at different pH. The results demonstrate that pH of the soil suspension correlates with element composition changes of both liquid and solid phases, thus indicating soil bioavailability of elements.
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