We have carried out Monte Carlo studies of a random-exchange antiferromagnetic spin-(1/2) chain. For systems with XY-like (anisotropic) and with Heisenberg (isotropic) coupling, our results confirm the existence of a disorder-induced low-temperature (T) divergence in the long-wavelength ${S}^{z}$-${S}^{z}$ susceptibility \ensuremath{\chi} which was previously predicted by real-space renormalization-group (RSRG) treatments. Over the finite temperature range studied, these results are consistent with a 1/(T ${\mathrm{ln}}^{2}$T) behavior of \ensuremath{\chi}, and hence in qualitative agreement with the RSRG results. As in the XY-Heisenberg regime, we also find a disorder-induced enhancement of the low-T susceptibility for a system with Ising-like exchange coupling which, over the finite temperature range studied, is again consistent with RSRG results. However, there are inconsistencies between the RSRG predictions in the Ising-like regime at very low temperatures, and the exact results for the random-exchange Ising chain and the low-temperature behavior of \ensuremath{\chi} in the Ising-like regime may in fact be more complicated than predicted by RSRG. Finally, we also present results for the antiferromagnetic susceptibility and structure factor. For both Heisenberg and Ising-like systems, we find that disorder suppresses the long-range antiferromagnetic correlations at low T.
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