An epizootiological survey of livestock farms of Dagestan was conducted, the main infectious diseases common in the region were considered, and measures taken to protect against them were described. At present, the Veterinary Service is undertaking systematic efforts to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases such as brucellosis, leukosis, rabies, pasteurellosis, blackleg, bradsot and enterotoxemia in the Republic. Among the above-mentioned diseases reported in 2023, brucellosis and leukosis are responsible for the vast majority of outbreaks and diseased animals detected in them. In particular, the following diseases have the largest share in the nosological profile of quarantinable infectious diseases based on the number of detected infected localities during the period under study: brucellosis (52.63%), bovine leukosis (30.70%), rabies (8.77%), enterotoxemia (3.51%), pasteurellosis (1.75%), bradsot (1.75%) and blackleg (0.88%). In total, 1,812 animals were affected with quarantinable infections and 35 animals died in 114 infected localities. Most often over the past year, quarantinable infections were reported in cattle (69.59% of cases) and small ruminants (29.36%); in 1.05% of cases, the diseases affected horses, cats, wild animals and birds. In order to maintain animal disease freedom and sustainable growth of livestock production, the Veterinary Committee of the Republic of Dagestan annually implements measures to prevent the occurrence and spread of 75 diseases of animals and birds, including 10 highly dangerous ones. Anti-epizootic measures taken in the past year included a total of 93.8 million vaccinations and 6.2 million tests performed in the diagnostic institutions. Plans for the prevention of highly dangerous and other contagious diseases of animals and birds were fully implemented.
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